Friday, November 7, 2008

Using Skincare Reviews to Find the Best Skincare Brand

One walk down the skincare aisle of your local drugstore and you will see that there are a great many brands to choose from. How do you find the best skincare brand? Well using skincare reviews is one of the best ways to find out what others think about the skincare products that you are considering.

There are many sites online that offer reviews on everything from software to skincare. You can often find some skincare reviews that will give you the information that you need to make a great choice on the best skincare brands. These reviews are from real people who have tried the products and have something to offer you about their experiences.

Knowing what real people have to say about skincare products is one way that you can be sure before you shell out a lot of money. If you were to try all of the products that are available, you could potentially spend a great deal of money trying to find the best skincare brand. Reading skincare reviews can help you save some of that money and only try the products that receive good reviews. You will still have to try the products for yourself to determine which ones are right for your skin type.

It is important that you choose the products that are right for your skin type because different types of skin have different requirements. If you have older skin, you might need a product that has more moisture or can offer you some effective treatments for wrinkles. People with oily skin might need a product that moisturizes without making their skin more oily. You should determine what type of skin you have and choose the right products for you. This is the first step to finding the best skincare brand.

Ask your friends and family what products they use. These are some of the best skincare reviews that you are likely to receive. You can be sure that the reviews and recommendations that you receive from people that you know are the most impartial that you are likely to find. Ask your friends who seem to have great skin what they use and you just might find the right brand for you. Keep in mind that the results of skincare products will vary according to your skin type.

When your budget is tight, it is a very smart move to check out the products that you are considering before you buy. Do your research on the different skincare brands that are available on the market. Take a look at the different brands that are offered online. When you shop online, you will have access to products from all over the world. You may find a product that works for you that is not available in your local drugstore.

Make sure that you read the skincare reviews online that are from impartial sources. While you may get some great information from the website that is selling the skincare products on the ingredients and what is intended to do, you will get the best reviews on these products from impartial sources. Try to find as many different reviews as possible to get the best information on the products that you are considering purchasing.

It is important that you do your homework on the products that you apply to your skin. If you want to get the best results, you should look for skincare reviews and read all of the information about the products. Look at the ingredients that are used and find out if these are the best ingredients for your particular skin type. This is the best way to find the best skincare brand.

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Choosing Skincare Cosmetics

Some people separate their skincare products into products that they use for skincare and products that they use for cosmetic purposes. There are some products that offer both. Finding the right skincare cosmetics will require you to choose the products that are right for your particular skin type. If you are looking for aging skincare products, you should look for the products that will give you the best anti wrinkle treatment and the best moisture.

Look for cosmetics that include sunscreen as a part of their ingredients. These are a wonderful way to make sure that you include sunscreen in your daily skincare regimen. Using a sunscreen every day is one of the best aging skincare routines that you can do. The sun can cause a lot of damage on your skin if you are exposing it to the harmful rays without any protection. Make sure that your skincare cosmetics have some sunscreen in them to keep your skin out of harms way.

There are also some cosmetics on the market that could cause more harm to your skin than good. These cosmetics will clog your pores and cause your skin to experience breakouts and a host of problems. Always make sure that you wash your makeup off every day. An even better approach is to look for skincare cosmetics that do more than just cover up your skin. Look for products that are designed to help your skin look great and be in the best condition that it can be in.

Aging skincare will require you to look for skincare cosmetics that will not dry out your skin. You also do not want to use a product that will leave your skin oily either. Finding the right balance can sometimes be difficult, but there are many skincare cosmetics on the market that are designed specifically for aging skin. You will find makeup and products that will enhance the appearance of your aging skin as well as provide protection and moisture for your skin.

The key to finding skincare cosmetics is to know your type of skin. You must know which products are going to work the best for your particular skin needs and requirements. If you are looking for aging skincare products, you should be sure that the products that you select were designed specifically for your aging skin. Read the ingredients and learn which ones are made for your skin type. There are many sources of information online about the different ingredients that you can try on your skin. You will have to do some experimentation to find the ones that work the best for your particular skin.

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Skin Cancer - 5 Things You May Not Know About Protecting Your Children From Skin Cancer

Skin cancer in its deadliest form, melanoma, is on the rise and this relates to children of all ages.

1. Babies: Cases of pediatric melanoma have increased
100% in the last 20 years! (Michigan State Medical

Almost everytime I'm outdoors, I see babies or small
children in their strollers with their faces and heads
unprotected from the sun. And while I do notice more
small children than ever with hats on their heads, there
seem to be triple that amount without.

All it takes is a little awareness to keep a hat on and to
make sure the back of the stroller is to the sun. When
80% of the sun's damaging UV rays happens in the first
18 years of life, parents can give the gift of life twice ...
once giving birth, and the second protecting their skin.

2. Teens: 2.3 million teenagers (part of 30 million
Americans) use tanning beds. Ultraviolet rays are the
primary factor in developing skin cancer and are 15 times
greater in a tanning booth than outdoors. Up until now,
there have been very few warnings about health risks in
tanning salons.

Finally, legislators are trying to change that. 25 states
across the country want to restrict youth access to
indoor tanning facilities. In addition, if passed, this
legislation would require parental consent for anyone
under 18, along with the listing of potential health
consequences in these salons, and licensing by the

This is a potentially life-saving public issue and any
help parents can give both at home with their children
and in their support of their representatives can only
help save lives.

3. Women ages 20-29: They're adults but they're still
somebody's children. Melanoma is now the second most
common cancer in this age group.

While it is best to get kids started early on the
habit of using sun protection, better late than never.
you know how to talk to your children best, but if
you see a tan on your daughter, you might ask how
she came to it...beach? tanning salon? Or, fake
tanning lotion which of course would be Choice No. 1
other than, perhaps, no tan at all.

4. African-American or Asian children: The risk for
melanoma isn't as high as with Caucasian children,
but it can be more deadly because a lesion or
irregular mole can't be seen as easily.

Talking with them at all ages about sun protection
and teaching them what to look for is and examining
them regularly is vital.

5. The perfect tan. For years, the perfect tan was looked
at as the way to look healthy, attractive, thinner (believe it
or not), and possibly even rich (if you have time to lounge
in the sun, you really must be well off). And the warmth
of the sun feels good. There's no doubting that.

The perfect tan is still sought today. Lines form around
some of the more popular tanning salons, grown women

But now we have information we didn't have.
Irrefutable information. It's hard to ignore it
and worse, later on, if we're one of the unlucky
ones, what do we say to ourselves - and our
families? It's just a little extra effort for potentially
a longer and healthier life. Is the perfect tan worth
losing all that?

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Skin Cancer Symptoms and Prevention

Despite the medical evidence available on skin cancer, our society insists on tanning beds and sunbathing without using the proper protection, as we can find many youth and teenagers spending long times in the harmful and burning sun rays that what makes them the suffer a lot from Skin Cancer. But the good news is that Skin Cancer is considered the easiest form of cancer and you can overcome it by spotting it in time.

There are two forms of Skin Cancer, melanomas and non-melanomas. Melanomas usually account for only four percent of diagnosed skin cancers, and it occurs in the epidermis, the skin's outer layer, usually appearing as a dark mole with uneven edges but they are considered to be the most deadly. Non-melanomas, on the other hand, are comprised of two different cell types, basal cells and squamous cells. Both of these cells are caused from sun exposure.

Skin cancer symptoms vary from individual to individual as to which chemical, or substance causes allergic reactions. The tumor in the epidermis, caused by skin cancer, is always clearly visible, making diagnosis slightly easier than in other cases of cancer. Skin Cancer patient may encounter Rough and scaly patches on the skin, A sore or spot that bleeds or become crusty, a small lump that is shiny, waxy, pale in color, and smooth in texture.

Skin protection is very important and easy; off course there is no excuse not to prevent it. You have to protect every member in your family even young babies, try to find shady areas when you take them outside to play and be sure they have the proper protection on.

Children and people with fair skin need to be using a higher protection factor than other people Skin protection doesn't mean to avoid sun forever, but you have to be reasonable and be careful while dealing with the sun. Sensitive areas like lips, nose, palms, and the back of your hand should be sufficiently protected while exposure to sun.

When out in the sun do not forget to protect your face. Applying lotion to the ears, nose and neck will help to protect those sensitive areas from the sun.

Sunscreen is recommended as a form of protection against the sun. Of course, your self-examinations should be in addition to an annual doctors exam; doctors trained eyes often spot skin cancer even quicker than you do. Surgery is the most common form of treatment and it is usually done as an outpatient procedure.

From time to time examine your head and face using one or two mirrors. Move your hair to examine your scalp. Have a look at your hands, including your nails. Check your elbows, arms and underarms. Look closely on your neck and chest.

Finally, if you notice or encounter any changes in your skin such as moles, lesions or sores, which do not heal, it is always better to consult your doctor immediately. If caught early, most skin cancer can be cured.

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Monday, November 3, 2008

How to Find a Facial Scrub For Sensitive Skin

Sometimes exfoliating your skin seems like the perfect answer to the gross, dead skin but the truth is many exfoliating products out there can dry our skin out, causing it to flake even more than before! The number of products on the market that promise glowing, smooth skin that smells of lemon trees and honey are over the hundreds, and most are quite expensive, and not as successful as some of the most simply, home remedies.

If you have sensitive skin, but long to ex foliate try oatmeal based products like a simple oatmeal body bar, which can be used on the face as well. Oatmeal is hypo-allergenic and contains tons of amino acids, and other vitamins that give our face the glow, and boosts it needs to make it through dry season. For those of us on a budget, heading over to the kitchen can lead us to a DIY approach to a homemade, oatmeal exfoliator.

If you have brown oats [oatmeal] aloe vera, and brown sugar you can create a scrub that's completely organic and all natural, to use on yourself! Oatmeal based scrubs are proven to be better for your skin than anything else, and they are clean and lovely smelling without the toxic chemicals some companies use to scent their products. If oatmeal isn't your thing, you can find scrubs that are baking soda based, which surprisingly is the perfect solution to those of us who have skin that simply can't handle scented scrubs. Baking soda is as simple as it gets, but you will have cover girl skin using a product with this as the main ingredient!

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How to Choose the Best Natural Skin Care

Organic, All Natural, Gentle, Mild, Paraben-Free, No Animal Testing!

These are all things you might see on labels in the natural skin care section of your favorite store. But, are they true? How can you tell? How do you choose the best, safest and healthiest skin care products for yourself and your family?

Natural skin care product selection can be simple and straightforward! With just a little bit of knowledge, it can be very easy to choose the safest and healthiest natural skin care products for your household.

There are more so-called natural skin care products in the marketplace than ever before. The mainstream skin care industry has made their entrance into the natural skin care arena. Natural and organic skin care products come in every price range to fit every budget.

But take heed. Choosing the best all natural and organic skin care brands still takes a little bit of diligence. The industry is unregulated and there is a lot of misinformation about what's healthy and what's not.

Here are some things to look out for when you're shopping for the best natural skin care lines...

Radio, TV and magazine advertisements

The industry spends billions of dollars every year trying to convince you to buy their products. What they say in their ads and their marketing is not always truthful. If you learn about an organic natural skin care product through the media, it doesn't mean you shouldn't buy it. It just means you need to do your homework and check them out. Find out the truth about the natural skin care product line before you buy.

Endorsements by famous people

Celebrities make a lot of money endorsing products. Companies are willing to spend a lot on celebrity endorsements because they know it increases sales. So even if you love the celebrity, you can't just believe them. Remember, they're getting paid to say all those wonderful things, even about certified organic skin care products. Again, make sure you check the facts about the product before you buy.

The product label

This is where the manufacturer tells you what they want you to think about the product. They spend large amounts of money on designs to make their product look appealing so you'll want to buy it. Companies use words like natural and organic to make you think their product truly is a natural and organic skin care product.

This might surprise you, but the words natural and organic on a product label do not guarantee that the product is really natural or organic. Why? For one, natural is not legally defined in the skin care industry. A skin care product labeled as natural may contain all natural ingredients, a few natural ingredients or none at all.

Certified organic skin care products.

The term organic has been abused and misused too. There have been no real organic standards for the skin care industry. The USDA National Organic Program (NOP) is the only true organic standard for skin care products. It is the original program for certifying food as organic. Because of the lack of an organic standard for skin care, cosmetics and personal care products, the NOP has been certifying these products for a number of years now as well.

The new OASIS Standard is really only a pseudo-organic standard as it allows synthetic ingredients not allowed by the NOP standards for food. The Ecocert standard is another less than organic standard and they even certify products as organic that don't even meet their low standards. If you see a natural skin care product certified organic by OASIS or Ecocert, don't assume it's a good choice. It's likely to contain synthetic preservatives, ingredients that have been sprayed with pesticides and herbicides, and petroleum derived ingredients. Check it out before you buy.

Here's how you can check out all the natural and organic skin care product brands before you buy...

Read the ingredients list

When you're shopping for natural skin care products, the first thing you must do is read the ingredients list on the back of the package. The truth about a product is in the ingredients list. It's not in the packaging. You won't find it in the ads. Neither is it in the celebrity endorsements. Everything else on the label is meaningless if the ingredients aren't healthy. To find the best, healthiest and safest natural skin care brands, you need to check the ingredients first.

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Melanoma - Ten Things You May Not Know About It

Here are nine more things you may not know about melanoma:

o The skin disease will affect about 54,500 persons in the United States of America, resulting in more than 8,500 deaths.

o It can affect adults of all ages, even young individuals (from mid-teens).

o The individuals most likely to develop melanoma are those with fair complexions, red or blond hair, blue eyes, and freckles and who tan poorly and sunburn easily. Strong family history of melanoma is also a risk factor. Melanoma hardly ever occurs in Africans and Afro-Americans because they never sunburn.

o Always have a high index of suspicion for changing moles, especially if the edge is irregular and the color/pigmentation changes in any mole.

o The Paradox: 'Sun exposure is associated with increased survival from melanoma'. Why? Because one of sun's best effects is to increase Vitamin D, which has anti-cancer effects.

o It may spread via the lymphatic vessels or bloodstream. Once widespread disease to lungs, liver, bone and brain is established, the chance of a cure is low.

o The back is the most common site for melanoma in men. In women, the back and the lower leg (from knee to ankle) are frequent sites.

o Once diagnosed with melanoma, symptoms such as weight loss, malaise, headaches, visual difficulty, or bone pain may mean that the disease has spread to other parts of the body.

o It may occur even in normal skins. You have to see your doctor immediately if a mole or moles become bigger than 6 millimeters, starts bleeding or itching, changes color or the border becomes irregular. Any of these changes may mean that the mole/moles have become malignant melanoma(s).

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Important Details About Grape Seed Extract And Skin Cancer

There is nothing better than being outside on a nice sunny day. However, with the sun comes the possibility of getting some form of skin cancer but could grape seed extract help prevent that? The research has been done and the purpose of this article is to see if it could help prevent skin cancer!

Did you know that over exposure to the harmful rays the sun puts out lead to at least one million new cases of melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers each year. Researchers wanted to know if taking something as simple as this healthy supplement could help lower the number of these cases. To help answer this question the researchers turned to mice.

The researchers took a number of mice and exposed them to ultraviolet-light. They then divided the mice up into two groups. One group was given the chemicals found in grape seed extract and the other group was not. The scientist found that the group of mice given the extract developed a significant lesser number of tumors than those mice that were not given it. So why does this work?

The chemicals found in grape seed extract have a high level of antioxidants. These antioxidants help combat the oxidative stress that UV light induces. Oxidative stress has been shown to lead to skin cancer and since the chemicals in the extract seem to counter that, grape seed extract could prevent skin cancer. It is important to talk about the side effects of it as well.

While the research is still being conducted, most people who have taken the report no side effects at all. Other people have noticed mild side effects such as minor stomach aches or a little cough. The good news is that research is being done everyday and it most of it looks very positive.

The chemicals found in this supplement just could help prevent skin cancer and the research is there to back it up. There are also studies that show grape seed extract can help prevent and fight many other health conditions as well. These range from preventing heart disease and even preventing cancer. We are also seeing grapes being used as the backbone of many skin-care products. Could grape seed extract, taken in a pill form, have the same effect on your skin? It looks that is could be another benefit as well! Stay tuned...there is still more research to come!

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